RIFUGIO TOURNAMENT # 16: At biggest Game Fair of the Netherlands won by Martijn

Martijn congratulations! Winner of the 16th Rifugio Tournament.

Rifugio Tournament # 16, During Games Spectacle '16 won by Martijn !!

Round 1: Table1: Matthijs 45, Ton 39 Theun 28. Table 2: Martijn 49, Lisette41, Patricia 36. Round 2: Martijn 55, Theun van der Hulst 45, Matthijs van Malta 43. Round 3: Matthijs 41 vs Martijn 21. Final: Martijn 38-Matthijs 27. Martijn congratulations !! Winner of the 16th Rifugio Tournament and with that one of the ten people with a unique Rifugio Shirt !! :-)