MENHIRS TOURNAMENT #9: 21 aug café l'affiche
Sisters Britt & Carlijn play the final. Calijn wins!
In Q1&Q2 We played the Amsterdams way. In Q3&Q4 we did aswell, but then you were allowed to start taking away tiles in round 4. As long as by the end of the game you had taken away 5 tiles.
Q1: Carlijn-Britt 11-0, Matthijs-Niels 11-0, Daan-Hannah 10-0
Q2: Carlijn-Hannah 11-0, Britt-Niels 21-0, Matthijs-Daan 2-0
Q3: Carlijn-Hannah 2-0, Lise-Daan 2-0, Britt-Matthijs 5-0
Q4: Lise-Carlijn 2-0, Niels-Matthijs 7-0, Hannah-Britt 4-0
F: Carlijn-Britt 5-0 (No Semi-final was played. And no half points for skipping a Qualification.)